Monday, January 29, 2007

First Time Blogger

This is my first time blogging and my first entry of what will be many! I created this blog as part of an assignment for my advanced communications class at SMU. In other words, my teacher made me.

I’ve never created a blog before. In fact, until about two weeks ago I was not entirely sure what a blog was. And I was okay with that. I undertook the project with much hesitation. I almost prefer to be left in the dark about these things. They seem so overwhelming and high tech. But after a little research look forward to creating postings and eventually catching onto the blogging internet revolution.

The internet is undeniably an indispensable asset in the fields of public relations, marketing and communications. This blog will discuss current topics and trends relating to these fields and will contain my class assignments, sporadically mixed with pieces of my own opinions.
I am hoping to familiarize myself with blogging as well as other media outlets and eventually put what I learn to use at a job in PR.

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